In this systematic study we investigated the factors that affect the heterogeneous ice nucleation activity of soot surrogates in the cirrus cloud regime. The chemical composition of the exhaust particulate matter was studied using a soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SP-AMS), and the secondary aerosol formation was studied with an oxidation chamber. Hurk, Jan van den - Curriculum vitae, Reiseberichte und Anlaufstelle der Abiturientia 2001 des Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium. Potential enrichment was estimated using a trajectory model, predicting values of up to 65 % for 75–200 nm aerosol, using voltages of up to 30 kV. Kvalitně zpracované a výrazné dílo, klasický a typický námět, zezadu původní štítek z Díla, reálná možnost znásobení kupní ceny po vypracování hloubkové expertizy, která by prokázala originál. Day, Lisa Kaser, Werner Jud, Thomas Karl, Armin Hansel, James F. Hunter, Eben S. Cross, Jesse H. Kroll, Zhe Peng, William H. Brune, and Jose L. Jimenez. We further compiled the growing number of DFTs in use for atmospheric ice nucleation since 2000 and add FINC. Accurate model prediction of aerosol concentrations is a known challenge. olej na plátně, 55 x 69 cm, nesignováno, malba a rám poškozeny, přelom 19. This work evaluates several methods to simplify the chemistry of oxidation systems in environmental chambers, including positive matrix factorization, hierarchical clustering analysis, and gamma kinetics parameterization. Gold, M. Glasius, and J. D. Surratt, P. Tiitta, V. Vakkari, P. Croteau, J. P. Beukes, P. G. van Zyl, M. Josipovic, A. D. Venter, K. Jaars, J. J. Pienaar, N. L. Ng, M. R. Canagaratna, J. T. Jayne, V.-M. Kerminen, H. Kokkola, M. Kulmala, A. Laaksonen, D. R. Worsnop, and L. Laakso, R. L. N. Yatavelli, H. Stark, S. L. Thompson, J. R. Kimmel, M. J. Cubison, D. A. - 30. léta 20. století, olej na kartonu, 24 x 34 cm, rámováno, rám a malba poškozeny, zažloutlý lak, signováno LD, 1. pol. Sri Hapsari Budisulistiorini, Matthieu Riva, Michael Williams, Takuma Miyakawa, Jing Chen, Masayuki Itoh, Jason D. Surratt, and Mikinori Kuwata. This was done by interpreting field measurements using a volatility tandem differential mobility analyzer (VTDMA) with a kinetic evaporation model and by applying positive matrix factorization (PMF) to high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer data. Scientific Reports publishes reports Weekly . M christina Cox. Valeria Tomarchio [.] Juan Hong, Mikko Äijälä, Silja A. K. Häme, Liqing Hao, Jonathan Duplissy, Liine M. Heikkinen, Wei Nie, Jyri Mikkilä, Markku Kulmala, Nønne L. Prisle, Annele Virtanen, Mikael Ehn, Pauli Paasonen, Douglas R. Worsnop, Ilona Riipinen, Tuukka Petäjä, and Veli-Matti Kerminen. We also developed a dataset on the intrinsic cellular OP of several compounds commonly known to be present in the ambient PM. 20. století, olej na plátně, 90 x 70 cm, nerámováno, malba poškozena, nesignováno, 20. Sulphur dioxide emissions from the ore smelters are transported to wide areas. STEFÁN HAUKUR JÓHANNESSON. We investigated: i) the expression of Interleukin-IL-31 (IL-31) and Thymic Stromal Lympho... Purpose Hirst, Mark Stefan - Gästebuch, Cocktail Guide, Routenplaner, Fotoalben und Events. This technique enables rapid analysis of complex organic mixtures using approximately an order of magnitude less sample than standard analyses. We observed a consistent bimodal seasonal trend: a biogenic summertime maximum and an anthropogenic wintertime maximum in the mass concentration. FOREIGN SERVICE CAREER . We show that certain understudied compounds, such as furans and phenolic compounds, are significant contributors to pollutants formed as a result of typical atmospheric oxidation. Light-absorbing organic particles undergo transformations during their exposure in the atmosphere. 20. století, olej na kartonu, 50 x 70 cm, rám a malba mírně poškozeny, signováno PD, 2. pol. Born, O. Janeček, J. Jíra, J. Anderle, F. Gross, C. Bouda, K. Müller, J. Liesler, L. Jiřincová, St. Šulc, V. Suchánek, J. Švengsbír, aj. In our work, we studied an artifact that happens inside a mass spectrometer, in particular, the fragmentation of clusters. W. W. Hu, P. Campuzano-Jost, B. . We describe how the BS2-CCN system can be effectively calibrated and which factors can affect the calibration curve. Median age at t-MN diagnosis was 64 years (range 21-... Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (tMN), including therapy-related myelodysplastic syndromes (tMDS) and therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (tAML) are associated with resistance to chemotherapy and a more unfavorable prognosis than their de novo counterparts. 9781934209707 1934209708 Not on the Level, Michael V. Maddaloni, M. Stefan Strozier 9789875661622 9875661627 Sobrevivir a Los 30, Lauren Dockett 9780590076838 0590076833 Stage Brat, Susan Terris 9789505184965 9505184964 Divorcio Dificil, Isaacs Montalvo 9780938250180 0938250183 Earth and Man, Karl Konig Measurement techniques that can achieve molecular characterizations are necessary to understand the differences of fate and transport within isomers produced in the atmospheric oxidation process. "A friend had had a professional setback and I wanted to show support, and this seemed like a good way of doing it," he said. Rebecca A. Wernis, Nathan M. Kreisberg, Robert J. Weber, Yutong Liang, John Jayne, Susanne Hering, and Allen H. Goldstein. The IELSG-19 phase III study, to our knowledge, was the first such study to address the question of first-line treatment in a randomized trial. M. R. Canagaratna, J. L. Jimenez, J. H. Kroll, Q. Chen, S. H. Kessler, P. Massoli, L. Hildebrandt Ruiz, E. Fortner, L. R. Williams, K. R. Wilson, J. D. Surratt, N. M. Donahue, J. T. Jayne, and D. R. Worsnop. . Impressum Verlagsanschrift/Address mushroom media e.k. The impact of aerosol particles on climate and air quality remains poorly understood due to multiple factors. Conversely, a decrease of the peripheral lymphocyte count might reflect an impairment of the host defense mech... Vitamin D deficiency has been reported to be a risk factor in elderly patients (pts) with diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treated with Rituximab-containing chemotherapy (R-CHOP) (Bittenbring et al, J Clin Oncol 32:3242, 2014). Day, Weiwei Hu, Jason C. Schroder, James Allan, Donald R. Blake, Manjula R. Canagaratna, Hugh Coe, Matthew M. Coggon, Peter F. DeCarlo, Glenn S. Diskin, Rachel Dunmore, Frank Flocke, Alan Fried, Jessica B. Gilman, Georgios Gkatzelis, Jacqui F. Hamilton, Thomas F. Hanisco, Patrick L. Hayes, Daven K. Henze, Alma Hodzic, James Hopkins, Min Hu, L. Greggory Huey, B. Thomas Jobson, William C. Kuster, Alastair Lewis, Meng Li, Jin Liao, M. Omar Nawaz, Ilana B. Pollack, Jeffrey Peischl, Bernhard Rappenglück, Claire E. Reeves, Dirk Richter, James M. Roberts, Thomas B. Ryerson, Min Shao, Jacob M. Sommers, James Walega, Carsten Warneke, Petter Weibring, Glenn M. Wolfe, Dominique E. Young, Bin Yuan, Qiang Zhang, Joost A. de Gouw, and Jose L. Jimenez. Stefan ha indicato 2 esperienze lavorative sul suo profilo. Here we present the high-humidity tandem differential hygroscopicity analyzer (HHTDMA) and a new method to measure the hygroscopic growth of aerosol particles with in situ restructuring to minimize the influence of particle shape. We created new fire emissions data, with data specific to Indonesian peat fires. This work discusses recent method improvements and compositions measured in samples from the SouthEastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) network. In FL and DLBCL patients, a global genome hypomethylation with focalized hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes (Fig. MCL is an incurable disease and treatment approach should be adapted to patient's characteristics: age, PS, co-morbidities, social conditions, presence of caregiver, etc. This study suggests that the presence of ammonia may change the mass and chemical composition of large-size SOA particles and can potentially alter the aerosol impact on climate change. 82, nesignováno We studied the prognostic role of the number of tumor-infiltrating CD68+ cells and of the plasma levels of TARC (thymus... To date, eleven cases of irreversible neurological defects in T- ALL patients treated with nelarabine have been described in the last 4 years, seven of these after stem cell transplantation (SCT) for T Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (T-LBL). Si manifestano curiosità, si rivelano segreti, si sollevano questioni fondamentali, si dipanano temi quali il rapporto madre-figlia, il fascino del potere e il suo esercizio, l’immaginario erotico delle donne, il femminismo e sopra ogni ... Haushofer told BuzzFeed News he originally wrote a CV of failures in 2011, but chose to publish a version because he was "mainly curious to see if it would be helpful to others." Johannes Haushofer / Via Položka je v internetové aukci, více zde... olej na plátně, 78 x 51, 5 cm, rámováno, rám a malba mírně poškozeny, signováno LD, 1. pol 20. století, olej na kartonu, 50 x 59, 5 cm, rámováno, rám a malba mírně poškozeny, signováno PD, 1. pol. Atomic oxygen-to-carbon (O:C), hydrogen-to-carbon (H:C), and organic mass-to-organic carbon (OM:OC) ratios of ambient organic aerosol (OA) species provide key constraints for understanding their sources and impacts. Atmospheric black carbon (BC), commonly known as soot, is an important constituent of the earth that imparts a warming similar to that of carbon dioxide. By using a highly sensitive and robust deep next-generation sequencing approach for circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), we aimed to identify the genetics of cHL in different clinical phases, as well a... Table S1. We present a supercritical fluid chromatography method to separate these compounds prior to mass spectrometry analysis. Matthieu Riva, Thais Da Silva Barbosa, Ying-Hsuan Lin, Elizabeth A. Christopher Y. Lim, David H. Hagan, Matthew M. Coggon, Abigail R. Koss, Kanako Sekimoto, Joost de Gouw, Carsten Warneke, Christopher D. Cappa, and Jesse H. Kroll. The initial approach to elderly patients with Diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is usually based on the subjective judgment of the physician on the individual patient's ability to tolerate treatment with curative intent. Stefan Hofstetter 4 Service February 11, 2011 Presentation "Doktorandenbetreuung von unten gesehen" (together with Sigrid Beck and Vera . The neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (N/L) at diagnosis has been shown to be a prognostic factor for survival in solid tumors. The patient underwent whole-body F-FDG PET/CT and C-methionine PET/CT in order to complete the staging of dural mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. A volte ciò che non si conosce fa paura. The OSs identified here were also observed and quantified in aerosols collected in two urban areas. This deepens our understanding, and reported results can be further applied into climate models. Aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of comorbidity assessment according to a standardized approach, the Cumulative Illness Scaling rate (CIRS), on prognosis in patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) aged 60 years and older We studied 76... We analyzed the prognostic impact of levels of free light chains (FLC) in 106 patients with DLBCL, selecting 61 patients with a monoclonal (M) protein in serum, and 45 patients without a M protein as an IPI-matched control group. Structural changes of carbonaceous aerosol samples during thermal–optical measurement techniques cause a darkening of the sample during the heating procedure which can influence the attribution of the carbonaceous material to organic and elemental carbon. We demonstrate how light-absorbing gases can be used to calibrate the instrument and how this absorption is automatically subtracted during normal operation. We performed measurements of gaseous and particulate organic compounds using a state-of-the-art online mass spectrometer in urban air. Substantial SOA formation was observed in all experiments, leading to twice the initial OA mass emphasizing the importance of the burning conditions for the aging processes. A hypothesis for the observed effect is presented. Shortly sharp 1pk cv-p09grv trunnion. Atmospheric aerosols are solid or liquid particles suspended in the air. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is significantly higher and more fragmented in plasma of cancer patients and levels have been reported to associate with prognosis. Christian Tauber, Sophia Brilke, Peter Josef Wlasits, Paulus Salomon Bauer, Gerald Köberl, Gerhard Steiner, and Paul Martin Winkler. Low-cost air quality sensor technologies offer new opportunities for fast and distributed measurements of air pollution, but a persistent characterization gap remains when it comes to evaluating sensor performance under realistic environmental sampling conditions. A large decrease in elemental carbon (EC; 2001–2018) and a smaller decline in levoglucosan (2008–2018) suggest that organic carbon (OC)/EC from traffic/industry is decreasing, whereas the abatement of OC/EC from biomass burning has been less successful. A. Thornton, J. T. Jayne, D. R. Worsnop, and J. L. Jimenez, C. L. Loza, J. S. Craven, L. D. Yee, M. M. Coggon, R. H. Schwantes, M. Shiraiwa, X. Zhang, K. A. Schilling, N. L. Ng, M. R. Canagaratna, P. J. Ziemann, R. C. Flagan, and J. H. Seinfeld, L. R. Williams, L. A. Gonzalez, J. Peck, D. Trimborn, J. McInnis, M. R. Farrar, K. D. Moore, J. T. Jayne, W. A. Robinson, D. K. Lewis, T. B. Onasch, M. R. Canagaratna, A. Trimborn, M. T. Timko, G. Magoon, R. Deng, D. Tang, E. de la Rosa Blanco, A. S. H. Prévôt, K. A. Smith, and D. R. Worsnop, R. Fröhlich, M. J. Cubison, J. G. Slowik, N. Bukowiecki, A. S. H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger, J. Schneider, J. R. Kimmel, M. Gonin, U. Rohner, D. R. Worsnop, and J. T. Jayne, L. D. Yee, J. S. Craven, C. L. Loza, K. A. Schilling, N. L. Ng, M. R. Canagaratna, P. J. Ziemann, R. C. Flagan, and J. H. Seinfeld, Y.-H. Lin, E. M. Knipping, E. S. Edgerton, S. L. Shaw, and J. D. Surratt, E. S. Cross, J. F. Hunter, A. J. Carrasquillo, J. P. Franklin, S. C. Herndon, J. T. Jayne, D. R. Worsnop, R. C. Miake-Lye, and J. H. Kroll, K. Kristensen, K. L. Enggrob, S. M. King, D. R. Worton, S. M. Platt, R. Mortensen, T. Rosenoern, J. D. Surratt, M. Bilde, A. H. Goldstein, and M. Glasius, J. E. Shilling, R. A. Zaveri, J. D. Fast, L. Kleinman, M. L. Alexander, M. R. Canagaratna, E. Fortner, J. M. Hubbe, J. T. Jayne, A. Sedlacek, A. Setyan, S. Springston, D. R. Worsnop, and Q. Zhang, J. S. Craven, L. D. Yee, N. L. Ng, M. R. Canagaratna, C. L. Loza, K. A. Schilling, R. L. N. Yatavelli, J. This work has significant implications for how we understand atmospheric chemistry in the urban environment and thus for how to implement effective policies to improve urban air quality. T. P. Riedel, Y.-H. Lin, Z. Zhang, K. Chu, J. James F. Hurley, Nathan M. Kreisberg, Braden Stump, Chenyang Bi, Purushottam Kumar, Susanne V. Hering, Pat Keady, and Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz. Woche 38. Our data suggest that water diffusion in SOA is sufficiently fast so that it is unlikely to have significant consequences on the direct climatic effect under tropospheric conditions. Also, bendamustine can be regarded as a safe and effective alternative for patients with relapse after autologous transplantation and as an interesting cytoreductive strategy before allogeneic... Background and aim: Our results showed that organic aerosol (OA) comprised mainly semi-volatile organic compounds in summer, and the freshly oxidized secondary OA was the most volatile component. 20. století, olej na kartonu, 64 x 43 cm, rámováno, rám a malba poškozeny, signováno PD, datováno 1918, olej na plátně, 25x33 cm, signováno PD, neodborně rámováno, rám mírně poškozen, olej plátno na kartonu, 25 x 33 cm, rámováno, signováno PD, 1. pol. Risk factors for VTE appear to differ from risk factors in solid tumors. Extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (EESI-MS) has been deployed for high throughput online detection of particles with minimal fragmentation. 20. století. Téměř jasná a výborná investice do budoucna. However, standard analytical techniques for measuring elemental ratios typically require large sample sizes (milligrams of material or more). In this study we describe the experience of RELLI in real life about old MCL pts followed in Latium region and diagnosed and registered in our database between Januar... We report the case of a 52-year-old woman with follicular lymphoma localized in the left inguinal region without any extranodal involvement and achieving a complete response after radiotherapy. Matthew M. Coggon, Christopher Y. Lim, Abigail R. Koss, Kanako Sekimoto, Bin Yuan, Jessica B. Gilman, David H. Hagan, Vanessa Selimovic, Kyle J. Zarzana, Steven S. Brown, James M. Roberts, Markus Müller, Robert Yokelson, Armin Wisthaler, Jordan E. Krechmer, Jose L. Jimenez, Christopher Cappa, Jesse H. Kroll, Joost de Gouw, and Carsten Warneke. PET/CT revealed intense F-FDG uptake in multiple cervical and subdiaphragmatic lymph nodes and in the left parotid. We show that these products, previously identified as highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs), are formed in more than one pathway with differing numbers of reaction steps with OH. Andrew T. Lambe, Jordan E. Krechmer, Zhe Peng, Jason R. Casar, Anthony J. Carrasquillo, Jonathan D. Raff, Jose L. Jimenez, and Douglas R. Worsnop, This paper is an evaluation of methods used to generate OH radicals under conditions with high concentrations of NO and NO, Liqing Hao, Olga Garmash, Mikael Ehn, Pasi Miettinen, Paola Massoli, Santtu Mikkonen, Tuija Jokinen, Pontus Roldin, Pasi Aalto, Taina Yli-Juuti, Jorma Joutsensaari, Tuukka Petäjä, Markku Kulmala, Kari E. J. Lehtinen, Douglas R. Worsnop, and Annele Virtanen. A remarkable set of CPCs, including the newly developed V-WCPC 3789, was tested. Several studies indicate that human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) have unique immunological properties, because they are not immunogenic, they do not simulate alloreactivity, and they escape cytotoxic T and natural killer cell lysis activity (1, 2), making them suitable for cellular therapy.Clinical data have shown that hMSCs could reduce the incidence and severity of graft‐vs.‐host . Including interactions of organic compounds with water requires a treatment of nonideality to more accurately represent aerosol observations during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) 2013. Ryan C. Moffet, Rachel E. O'Brien, Peter A. Alpert, Stephen T. Kelly, Don Q. Pham, Mary K. Gilles, Daniel A. Knopf, and Alexander Laskin. A. Thornton, W. Vizuete, A. How full album kobe top dunks 2012 burgtheater wien spielplan heute medical treatment letter from doctor fpse ff7 save states oliver ribatis johnson 40 cv 4 tempi scheda tecnica. Haiyan Li, Manjula R. Canagaratna, Matthieu Riva, Pekka Rantala, Yanjun Zhang, Steven Thomas, Liine Heikkinen, Pierre-Marie Flaud, Eric Villenave, Emilie Perraudin, Douglas Worsnop, Markku Kulmala, Mikael Ehn, and Federico Bianchi. We then study the size dependence of the deliquescence and the efflorescence of aerosol nanoparticles for sizes down to 6 nm. B. Palm, A. Hodzic, J. 20. století, olej na plátně, 96 x 76 cm, rámováno, rám a malba poškozeny, nesignováno, zepředu kovový štítek autora, na zadní straně razítko z výstavy v Praze, 1. pol. Development and technical paper | 08 Nov 2014 . Management of elderly patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) is challenging. With positive matrix factorisation, we can separate instrument background from the real signal. The study includes 39 PP... Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (PCBCL) are rare types of extranodal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Here we describe the deployment, calibration and evaluation of electrochemical sensors on the Island of Hawai‘i. September - Dezember 2018. 20. století, olej na plátně, 47 x 49 cm, rámováno, rám a malba mírně poškozeny, signováno Jelínek LD, 1. pol. Chenyang Bi, Jordan E. Krechmer, Graham O. Frazier, Wen Xu, Andrew T. Lambe, Megan S. Claflin, Brian M. Lerner, John T. Jayne, Douglas R. Worsnop, Manjula R. Canagaratna, and Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz. Results indicate that organics are important for both nucleation and growth, vapor uptake was limited to accumulation-mode particles, fragmentation reactions were important to limit particle growth at higher OH exposures, and an H, Wei Zhou, Jian Zhao, Bin Ouyang, Archit Mehra, Weiqi Xu, Yuying Wang, Thomas J. Bannan, Stephen D. Worrall, Michael Priestley, Asan Bacak, Qi Chen, Conghui Xie, Qingqing Wang, Junfeng Wang, Wei Du, Yingjie Zhang, Xinlei Ge, Penglin Ye, James D. Lee, Pingqing Fu, Zifa Wang, Douglas Worsnop, Roderic Jones, Carl J. Percival, Hugh Coe, and Yele Sun, Yue Zhang, Shachi Katira, Andrew Lee, Andrew T. Lambe, Timothy B. Onasch, Wen Xu, William A. Brooks, Manjula R. Canagaratna, Andrew Freedman, John T. Jayne, Doug R. Worsnop, Paul Davidovits, David Chandler, and Charles E. Kolb. Positive matrix factorization apportioned 72 % of EC to fossil fuel sources and 53 % (PM, Mutian Ma, Laura-Hélèna Rivellini, YuXi Cui, Megan D. Willis, Rio Wilkie, Jonathan P. D. Abbatt, Manjula R. Canagaratna, Junfeng Wang, Xinlei Ge, and Alex K. Y. Lee. to compare overall survival in HIV-associated lymphoma (HIV-L) and lymphoma raising in HIV-negative population (nHIV-L) and to identify predictors of increased risk of death. Arttu Ylisirniö, Luis M. F. Barreira, Iida Pullinen, Angela Buchholz, John Jayne, Jordan E. Krechmer, Douglas R. Worsnop, Annele Virtanen, and Siegfried Schobesberger. In recent years, hypomethylating agents have produced encouraging re... Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is among the neoplastic diseases that has the best long-term outcome after cytotoxic treatment. Explanations: String pattern: Number of main strings and cross strings in the racquet Main string holes: Holes in the racquet head (H) and throat (T) through which the mains are running.Hole 1 is the one in each half of the racquet that's closest to the center axis. Highly oxidized multifunctional compounds (HOMs) are known to have a significant contribution to secondary aerosol formation, yet their dominating formation pathways remain unclear in the atmosphere. Recent advancements in atmospheric mass spectrometry provide large amounts of new information but at the same time present considerable challenges for the data analysis, for example, in high-resolution peak identification and separation. 20. století, konvolut 21 ks ilustrací do časopisu Dikobraz, kombinovaná technika na papíře, tuš na papíře, cca 20 x 30 cm, nerámováno, volně loženo, papír mírně poškozen, některé ilustrace signované Jiří Petrák, Vlasta Švejdová, Zdeněk Žáček, olej na plátně, 69, 5 x 51, 5 cm, rámováno, rám a malba poškozeny, signováno PD, 1. pol. Chemical derivatization prevents secondary radical reactions and eliminates potential interferences. On significado! Merging Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) ( HRB 26412 ) 3i individuelle immobilien investitions GmbH ( HRB 11206 ) Matthewson) Investigating gradable predicates, comparison, and degree constructions in. However, no automated instrument has ever been developed to provide a rapid high-throughput analysis of the cell-based OP measurements. Megan S. Claflin, Demetrios Pagonis, Zachary Finewax, Anne V. Handschy, Douglas A. s unidos kada kimba kuoja burgerlijke staat in engels cv yeezy 3 sketch common names of. It is also found that in the absence of new particle formation, vehicular and cooking emissions dominate the particle number concentration, while secondary particulate matter governed PM, Martin Heinritzi, Lubna Dada, Mario Simon, Dominik Stolzenburg, Andrea C. Wagner, Lukas Fischer, Lauri R. Ahonen, Stavros Amanatidis, Rima Baalbaki, Andrea Baccarini, Paulus S. Bauer, Bernhard Baumgartner, Federico Bianchi, Sophia Brilke, Dexian Chen, Randall Chiu, Antonio Dias, Josef Dommen, Jonathan Duplissy, Henning Finkenzeller, Carla Frege, Claudia Fuchs, Olga Garmash, Hamish Gordon, Manuel Granzin, Imad El Haddad, Xucheng He, Johanna Helm, Victoria Hofbauer, Christopher R. Hoyle, Juha Kangasluoma, Timo Keber, Changhyuk Kim, Andreas Kürten, Houssni Lamkaddam, Tiia M. Laurila, Janne Lampilahti, Chuan Ping Lee, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Markus Leiminger, Huajun Mai, Vladimir Makhmutov, Hanna Elina Manninen, Ruby Marten, Serge Mathot, Roy Lee Mauldin, Bernhard Mentler, Ugo Molteni, Tatjana Müller, Wei Nie, Tuomo Nieminen, Antti Onnela, Eva Partoll, Monica Passananti, Tuukka Petäjä, Joschka Pfeifer, Veronika Pospisilova, Lauriane L. J. Quéléver, Matti P. Rissanen, Clémence Rose, Siegfried Schobesberger, Wiebke Scholz, Kay Scholze, Mikko Sipilä, Gerhard Steiner, Yuri Stozhkov, Christian Tauber, Yee Jun Tham, Miguel Vazquez-Pufleau, Annele Virtanen, Alexander L. Vogel, Rainer Volkamer, Robert Wagner, Mingyi Wang, Lena Weitz, Daniela Wimmer, Mao Xiao, Chao Yan, Penglin Ye, Qiaozhi Zha, Xueqin Zhou, Antonio Amorim, Urs Baltensperger, Armin Hansel, Markku Kulmala, António Tomé, Paul M. Winkler, Douglas R. Worsnop, Neil M. Donahue, Jasper Kirkby, and Joachim Curtius, With experiments performed at CLOUD, we show how isoprene interferes in monoterpene oxidation via RO, Anna K. Tobler, Alicja Skiba, Dongyu S. Wang, Philip Croteau, Katarzyna Styszko, Jarosław Nęcki, Urs Baltensperger, Jay G. Slowik, and André S. H. Prévôt, Some quadrupole aerosol chemical speciation monitors (Q-ACSMs) have had issues with the quantification of particulate chloride, resulting in apparent negative chloride concentrations. Our method is promising for moderate-cost, low-maintenance measurements of oxygen / carbon ratios, a key chemical parameter, and other elements may also be studied. Sorted Tie2+ cells showed . Chuan Ping Lee, Mihnea Surdu, David M. Bell, Houssni Lamkaddam, Mingyi Wang, Farnoush Ataei, Victoria Hofbauer, Brandon Lopez, Neil M. Donahue, Josef Dommen, Andre S. H. Prevot, Jay G. Slowik, Dongyu Wang, Urs Baltensperger, and Imad El Haddad. Methods. We selected 25 publications. Day, Wyatt L. Brown, John T. Jayne, Douglas R. Worsnop, Jose L. Jimenez, Paul J. Ziemann, Joost de Gouw, and Brian M. Lerner. 20. století, olej na plátně, 53, 5 x 64, 5 cm, rámováno, rám mírně poškozen, signováno tužkou LD, datováno 1928. olej na plátně, 67 x 49 cm, rámováno, rám a malba poškozeny, nečitelně signováno s přípisem PD, datováno nečitelně 1893?

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